Academic Policies
Classification of Students
A cadet enrolled for 12 or more semester hours of credit is classified as full-time. In order to make satisfactory progress toward the associate’s degree, however, it is recommended that cadets carry at least 15 to 16 hours of credit each semester. Any cadet who wishes to take more than 19 hours of credit must received approval to register from both their academic advisor and the Academic Dean.
Placement Testing
Marion Military Institute assesses incoming students, based ACT and/or SAT scores, in English, mathematics, and/or reading. The purpsoes of the assessment are to determine readiness for college-level courses and establish initial placement in appropriate college-level or college preparatory courses. Students who test below college-level readiness in English, mathematics, and/or reading will be required to take developmental courses prior to enrolling in the college-level core curriculum courses in the relevant subject area.
The ACT scores that indicate assessment is needed are: below 18 in English, 20 in mathematics and/or reading; for the SAT: below 470 in critical reading and/or mathematics.
Registration for Courses and Changes in the Cadet’s Schedule
Currently-enrolled cadets have the opportunity to register first. They may expect to register just prior to the end of the preceding semester. Cadets may make changes in their class schedule by adding and/or dropping classes through the first five class days of each semester. The dropped classes are not recorded on the cadet’s transcript.
After the first week of class and through the date specified in the academic calendar, a cadet may withdraw from individual courses. While enrolled, however, a cadet must at all times maintain a full class load which is defined as twelve credit hours. Audited courses and courses from which a student withdraws are subject to the same fees as regular courses. Cadets may withdraw from the entire semester through the last day of class, as published in the academic calendar. At the point of withdrawal, the cadets will receive a grade of W (withdrawn) for the course(s).
Class Attendance
Cadets are expected to attend every class meeting. Absences are excused only for the following circumstances: bed rest mandated by the Cadet Health Center; medical appointments approved through the Cadet Health Center; official school activities and functions; and special leaves as approved by the Commandant’s Office. All other absences are unexcused. If, and when, a cadet accumulates 4 unexcused absences in a class, the cadet will be administratively withdrawn from the course and will receive a grade of F for the course. Additional information regarding class absences may be found in the Marion Military Institute Cadet Manual.
Transfer Policy
Marion Military Institute generally accepts liberal arts credits from regionally-accredited colleges and universities. The amount of transfer credit and advance standing credit will be determined by the Dean. No credit will be accepted for junior or senior level courses taken at four-year institutions.
Transfer credit will be evaluated and recorded by the Registrar once all official transcripts are on file. Coursework transferred or accepted for credit must represent collegiate coursework relevant to the degree program, with course content and level of instruction resulting in student competencies at least equivalent to those of students enrolled in the Institute’s own degree programs.
Credit will be accepted for transferable courses in which the student has received a grade of “C” or higher. A transfer grade of “D” will only be acceptable when the transfer student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above. If the student has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above, the student’s “D” grade will be accepted the same as for native students. Grades for transfer courses are not calculated in the Marion Military Institute grade point average. The maximum credit accepted will not negate the requirement to complete the entire sophomore year in residence at Marion Military Institute and be enrolled as a full-time student du ring that year. Use our online GPA calculator to enter your current credit hours.