
MMI Alumni Brigade Strategic Plan

 Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023


The Strategic Plan of the Marion Military Institute (MMI) Alumni Brigade (The Brigade) identifies the mission, opportunities, goals, success metrics, and synergies with other MMI organizations that will inform and guide the activities of the MMI Alumni Brigade and the MMI Alumni Brigade Board.

The Strategic Plan covers the time period beginning January 2018 through December 2023. It will be utilized as a living document to guide and focus the Brigade members in their efforts during this time.

Mission Statement: The Brigade supports MMI by fostering and expanding a lifelong and global community of active alumni, parents, and friends through opportunities for meaningful engagement in order to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteer involvement, and philanthropic commitment.

Success Metrics: All Alumni Brigade programming, investment choices, and measurements of success will be based on the following metrics:

  • Inspiration and Pride
  • Participation, Engagement, Volunteerism
  • Advocacy and Ambassadorship
  • Giving

These global metrics will be supported by sub-metrics in order to better evaluate specific projects and programs. The Brigade Board will prepare an annual report to share with the general membership that outlines the progress of the Strategic Plan and above metrics.



Objective 1: Double the number of lifetime members of the Alumni Brigade to reach 750 members by December 31, 2023.

Action Step (1): Develop Membership Toolkit (including letter template, email template, social media template, MMI Alumni Connect template, Brigade swag, call campaign script) to use in membership campaign. Summer 2018

Action Step (2): Coordinate a grassroots membership campaign, utilizing current Brigade members, cadets and class agents to identify, engage, and solicit at least 75 memberships annually. Fall 2019-2023

Objective 2: Improve the communication pipeline between alumni and MMI with the establishment of a Class Agent Program.

Action Step (1): Develop agent training, toolkit, and communication plan for agents. Spring 2018

Action Step (2): Identify and train a class agent for each class year. Summer 2018

Action Step (3): Develop outreach plan for agents to promote attendance and class giving at events such as Alumni Weekend, especially during reunion years. Fall 2018

Objective 3: Institute recurring MMI Alumni gatherings in cities of heavy concentrations of MMI alumni and at Service Academies and Universities.

Action Step (1): Develop consistent mixer schedule and cultivate mixer hosts for high density areas including Huntsville, Birmingham, Dothan, West Alabama, Montgomery, Auburn, Tuscaloosa, Maryland, and Mobile. Spring 2019

Action Step (2): Identify additional locations of high concentrations of alumni outside of Alabama, including Service Academies, identify hosts, and develop an outreach plan. Summer 2020

Action Step (3): In geographical regions nationwide, identify and train key alumni to act as regional representatives, and develop customized outreach plan to engage each region. Summer 2021

Action Step (4): Develop MMI Alumni Event in a Box to send to locations identified by Membership Committee. Fall 2021

Objective 4: Establish a robust professional network of MMI alumni.

Action Step (1): Plan and execute an outreach campaign on social media outlets, including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to drive alumni to MMI Alumni Connect. Summer 2018

Action Step (2): Recruit alumni and cadets to create accounts in MMI Alumni Connect utilizing the membership campaign, school communications, the career center, and class agents. Fall 2018 – 2023

Action Step (3): Identify key groups of constituents (affinity, professional, military, educational, etc.) and develop groups on MMI Alumni Connect. Spring 2019

Action Step (4): Assist the Career Center in the development of a formal pipeline for internships, mentorships and career advice for cadets and young alumni. Fall 2021



Objective 1: In Coordination with the Office of Enrollment Management (Admissions) and ROTC, establish an MMI Ambassadors Program for alumni to assist at local events, college scholarship ceremonies, and JROTC programs.

Action Step (1): Create a resource list of interested alumni in areas identified by Admissions and ROTC to act as MMI Ambassadors. Fall 2021

Action Step (2): Create MMI Ambassadors Toolkit and provide training for MMI Ambassadors in order to insure consistent messaging. Spring 2022

Objective 2: Expand welcome events for new recruits and families across Alabama.

Action Step (1): In coordination with Admissions, create a list of strategic areas and identify potential hosts. Fall 2020

Action Step (2): Incorporate welcome events in the Brigade regional event calendar. Plan and execute welcome events. Summer 2021

Objective 3: Promote MMI and Alumni Brigade Brand.

Action Step (1): In coordination with MMI Bookstore, develop suite of Brigade merchandise for promotional use and sale in Bookstore. Spring 2019

Action Step (2): Identify and sponsor strategic campus events that will promote the mission of the Brigade. Ongoing

Action Step (3): In coordination with Commandants Office and Public Information Office, develop a periodic email newsletter for Parents Platoon Members to promote campus events, cadet achievements, and Brigade capital investments. Fall 2019



Objective 1: Implement a grassroots effort to assist and augment the MMI Foundation Board’s and MMI President’s goals as they relate to the Alabama Legislature and the Alabama Community College System (ACCS).

Action Step (1): In coordination with MMI President and the Office of Advancement, develop of resource list of willing alumni in each legislative district. Fall 2020

Action Step (2): Develop a communication plan and toolkit, including sample letters and talking points, used to distribute to alumni during the legislative cycle. Spring 2021

Objective 2: Adopt a single project from the MMI Strategic Plan to focus Brigade fundraising.

Action Step (1): In coordination with MMI President and the Office of Advancement, develop of resource list of upcoming capital projects and identify a single capital project for Brigade fundraising. Fall 2019

Action Step (2): Develop a communication plan and toolkit, including sample letters and talking points, used to distribute to alumni during fundraising campaign. Spring 2021

Objective 3: Identify and Execute an additional annual fund raiser that targets non-alumni.

Action Step (1): Identify formats, times, locations, and potential volunteers for fundraising events. Spring 2021

Action Step (2): Execute annual fundraiser. Summer 2022