Outside Scholarships
The following outside scholarships can be helpful resources:
https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/ Scholarships sponsored by Coca-Cola
www.collegeanswer.com SallieMae scholarship search
http://treasury.alabama.gov/collegecounts-scholarship/ College Counts (for Alabama residents)
http://collegeprowler.com/scholarships/ College Prowler scholarships search
www.fastaid.com Largest and oldest private-sector scholarship database
www.fastweb.com Database of private-sector scholarships, grants and loans
www.finaid.org Aid estimator and scholarship search
www.gmsp.org The Gates Millennium Scholars Program for minority students
www.jcraigsmithfoundation.org First in family and other Alabama resident scholarships
http://mappingyourfuture.org/Paying/ Scholarships and student aid
www.nationalmerit.org Scholarship competitions
www.outstandingstudentsofamerica.com Scholarships
www.rmhc.com/scholarships McDonald’s scholarships
www.scholarshipadministrators.net Apply for scholarships
www.scholarshipexperts.com Scholarship search
www.schoolsoup.com Free scholarship and loan search
www.vamortgagecenter.com/scholarships.html Military education scholarships
http://www.careerinfonet.org/scholarshipsearch/ Department of labor Search tool
*The following list is NOT comprehensive but rather a starting resource for Alabama students looking for college scholarships. Oftentimes, your local civic organizations, community foundations, power company, bank or credit union, insurance provider, churches, etc. provide awards to deserving students, so ask your college counselor for leads.
Jimmy Rane Foundation Scholarships
Central Ala. Community Foundation
Community Foundation of South Ala.
Community Foundation of West Ala.