MMI Cadet
Keegan Arnold has been selected as a member of the
2017 All-USA Community College Academic Team. Only 20 students from more than 1,800 nominations were selected for this prestigious honor. The All-USA Community College Academic Team is sponsored by Follett Higher Education Group with additional support provided by the American Association of Community Colleges and Phi Theta Kappa. As the highest scoring student from Alabama he was also named a
2017 Coca-Cola New Century Scholar.
As an All-USA Community College Academic Team member, Arnold will receive a $5,000 scholarship, a special medallion and recognition in various media outlets. As a Coca-Cola New Century Scholar, he will be presented a $2,000 scholarship and certificate from The Coca-Cola Foundation and Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation. Arnold will also be able to travel to the Presidents Breakfast held during the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Convention scheduled April 24, 2017, in New Orleans, LA.
As a graduating sophomore, Arnold holds the rank of cadet captain and serves as the Battalion S4 for the MMI Corps of Cadets. He also serves as Honor Council Vice Chairman, Phi Theta Kappa Vice President, Yearbook President and FCA Community Outreach Officer.