
Rising sophomore cadets represent MMI at summer leadership institute

MMI rising sophomore cadets Kaylen Early, Clay Davis, and Sarah Wroblewski attended the Alabama Community College Student Leadership Institute (SLI) on July 14th and 15th at the Alabama 4-H Camp in Columbiana, Alabama.  The theme of this year's event, "Fully Charged," provided an opportunity for more than 200 students from across the state to familiarize themselves with attributes and behaviors that are essential for leader development.  Team building and organizational leadership activities were also incorporated into the agenda.  The culminating exercise challenged student leaders to identify organizational goals and objectives which may be implemented to enhance student success at their respective institutions. 

Cadet Early, from nearby Uniontown,  Alabama, will serve as MMI's Executive Officer for the 2016-2017 academic year.  Cadet Davis, a native of New Hope, Alabama, will serve as the Battalion Sergeant Major, and Cadet Wroblewski, a resident of Madison, Alabama, will assume a company leadership position.  Cadet Clay commented,  "The experience not only provided a forum to discuss leadership skills and attributes but also provided the opportunity to network with students from across the state.  I was really appreciative for such an opportunity, and it was an honor to represent MMI."

The annual event is sponsored by the Alabama Dean of Students Affairs Association.