Marion Military Institute provides students with computer workstations in laboratories and in the library, and provides faculty and staff with computer access in offices. These workstations, software, and storage device contents are the property of Marion Military Institute. As part of campus resources, computers are connected to and have access to the Internet. Each user is responsible for his or her activities on computers and on the Internet. Activities which are illegal, harass others, and offend those working around one are not permitted and will result in loss of privileges.
Campus workstations and the resources they access are provided for course-related assignments, scholarly research, college business, and other activities directly related to the mission of Marion Military Institute. At the discretion of college personnel, resources may be used for recreational and casual use when they are not otherwise in use.
In all cases, computer use in support of the college’s mission will take precedence over recreational and casual use.
Access is a privilege, not a right: Marion Military Institute reserves the right to deny the privilege of the use of any or all types of computer technology to individuals who violate the Acceptable Use Policy.
This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all persons who use or attempt to use computer resources owned by Marion Military Institute. Computer resources include computers, networks, software, data, and other information technologies, whether located on campus or at an off-campus activity sponsored by the College. These resources are to be used in a manner that supports the institutional mission of Marion Military Institute.
Marion Military Institute provides Internet access on selected computers available to its students, faculty, and staff by participating in the Alabama Research and Educational Network (AREN), which is administered by the Alabama Supercomputer Authority in order to provide Internet access for academic, educational, and research purposes only. The College abides by the Acceptable Use Policy of AREN, which is available for view in the Office of Technology.
All Marion Military Institute regulations and existing state and federal laws apply, including not only those regulations and laws that are specific to computers and networks but also those that may apply generally to personal conduct and state-owned property.
Users of computing resources belonging to Marion Military Institute will be held accountable for their conduct under this policy statement, any other applicable policies or procedures of Marion Military Institute, and/or state or federal laws and regulations. Use of computer information technology that is unacceptable includes but is not limited to the following examples:
Because access to information technology resources at Marion Military Institute is a privilege, abuse of this privilege is subject to campus disciplinary procedures and possibly legal action.
If the initial violation is minor or accidental, the situation will be resolved informally with the purpose of educating the violator. If the violation is repeated or is more serious in nature, Marion Military Institute may rescind or modify computer access privileges. Violations of local, state, or federal laws will result in the immediate loss of all Marion Military Institute computing privileges and will be referred to appropriate Marion Military Institute officials and/or law enforcement authorities.
Marion Military Institute has the responsibility of administering, protecting, and monitoring all computers, software, and networks owned or licensed by the college whether on or off campus, with the exception of privately owned computers in the possession of individuals for their personal use. Authorized personnel may monitor computer activity, including electronic mail, for the purpose of maintaining system performance and security. Users are expected to cooperate with investigations of violation of college policy.
Marion Military Institute reserves the right to require users to refrain from using any program or property of the college.
Marion Military Institute accepts no responsibility for damage to personal property or data caused by any Marion Military Institute computer system or connections including, but not limited to, malfunctions of hardware and software, computer viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms.
Marion Military Institute will not be liable for the actions of anyone, including students and employees, connected to the Internet through the college Internet access.
Using or attempting to use any computer or information technology resource of Marion Military Institute signifies the following: