UA offers $5,000 transfer scholarship to MMI grads
MMI is proud to annouce another partnership in higher education: The University of Alabama (UA) has signed a transfer agreement with MMI that will award $5,000 scholarships ($2,500 per semester) to qualified MMI cadets. Criteria are listed below.
A. Acceptance at UA
B. Awarded an Associate's degree from MMI prior to enrollment at UA
C. Enrolled at MMI for at least 3 semesters
D. Minimum overall GPA of 2.75 at time of UA application
E. Enrolled in or actively seeking enrollment in a military officer commissioning program including the Army Early Commissioning Program (ECP), any UA ROTC program, Marine Platoon Leaders Course, or any other similar programs OR
F. Successfully held a formal leadership position in the MMI Corps of Cadets for at least one semester AND/OR
G. Endorsement and recommendation from the MMI Commandant of Cadets based on exceptional conduct, character, and leadership potential.
H. A signed scholarship agreement must be returned to the UA Scholarship Coordinator in order to activate the award
*The Award period will be for four semesters (including summer semesters) at UA. Renewal for the 3rd and 4th semesters will be contingent on an overall GPA of 3.0 at UA.
**The effective date of the UA/MMI Leadership Scholarship is Fall 2014